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Before now Employed and unemployment registration system has been handled

manually in tertiary institutions. It is an implementation of central employee information

system for graduate of Nigeria institution. Some of the features of this system were based

on the creation of employee data entry storing Employee data retrieval of employee

information etc.

Computer-based information systems are systems that tend to have

clearly defined inputs and outputs that enable and provide necessary facilities for

accurately and efficiently managing an organizational process. It could be sales order or

record keeping of staff. Information system is a collection of people procedures

software hardware and data.

Accordingly when reviewed from this point of view poor rates of graduates’

employability and even a prolongation of studies may be interpreted as indicators of

inefficiency in the way the system functions (Lindberg 2007).The question that then

arises is which systems in the Zimbabwean context maybe inefficient and how can they

be improved? This study contends that informed social dialogue amongst the

government employers the universities and graduates could help promote relevant

employability conditions on the job market for graduates. Zimbabwe Open University

graduates are being challenged in their quest to fulfill their career wellness by not finding

employment within their areas of specialization. It is in this light that this study wishes to

explore and unmask the factors that militate against the employability of Open University

graduates in Nigeria. The study also wishes to examine possible ways for mitigating the

crisis of unemployment which continues to dog Open University graduates and to send

de-motivating signals to other aspiring students.

1.2 Motivation

What actually motivate me to engage this project work is seeing how the

Record management systems are changing drastically in today’s technological

dispensation; however keeping tracks of records manually in files cabinets and jackets

has proved to be ineffective because of the large volume of records of graduate in

Nigeria involved considering the fast growth of the unemployment rate. Undoubtedly

the use of this manual system of record management has been an evident problem in the

organisation. Thus the setbacks are enumerated below;

❖ Duplication of data files which if not updated leads to inconsistency of files and

wastage of office stationeries.

❖ Prone to human error: The manual system in use leads to data errors as recording data

is a lengthy process; it makes the whole exercise monotonous boring and hectic.

❖ Misplacement/loss of projects files (records) which automatically eliminates the

particular student project from being reviewed.

❖ Time factor: Due to large number of students’ projects available in the institutions’

library it takes more time to process any piece of work (information) and this brings

about delay in getting necessary information on demand.

❖ Cross reference: -It is often difficult to cross reference between files because of the

file system arrangement and this leads to redundancy of some data files within the


1.3 Purpose of the Research

The main purpose of the research work is to design and implement of employed and

unemployed graduate management system. Below are list of objectives that this research

work will cover: -

❖ To ensure that projects records are updated regularly in the graduate seaking for jobs/

already employed graduate i.e. as at when due either bi-annually monthly and weekly as

the need arises and this will aid efficiency.

❖ To examine the factors that contribute to the employment/unemployment of graduates in

their fields of specialization to examine the factors that contribute to the

employment/unemployment of graduates in their fields of specialization

❖ To enable unemployment graduate to sign up through the use of web form in other to

provide their personal information for the organization that having vacancies and looking

for qualify applicant to see.

1.4 Methodology

The methods used in the collection of facts for this project are more of direct observation

interview and consultation of textbooks. Also some relevant sites were visited on Net

coupled with the consultation of some past projects. All these method of data collection

have helped to get more and useful information needed to achieve the aims of this

project. The application will be designed using PHP and MySQL will be used as

database. Hence there are urgent needs to educate them properly on the use of the system.

1.5 The Scope of the Project

This project is centered on the need to adopt an online computerized system that can

easily used to keep proper records of the users and benefactors of an employed and

unemployed graduate management system.

This system when fully implemented will enable the users to do away with carrying files

of benefactors rather a computerized system will be adopted this system which eases the

job to be done and the work load done per seconds can be reduced to its minimum

knowing the number of users of the scheme is much. It will focus on the graduate

registration and organization registration and will also keep record graduate picked by an


1.6 Expected Contribution to Knowledge

On fully implementation of this new system the program is expected to hold numerous

data and information which include:

● Registered graduates and the credentials / resume

● Registered organization and their requirement

● View record graduate picked by an organization.

1.7 Definition of Terms

● CBMIS: Computer Based Management Information System refers to the intended

system that undergoes management procedure electronically.

● DESIGN: This refers to the technical specification that will be applied for

implementing new system. It is the process of developing specification for a

candidate system that the criteria establish system analysis.

● IMPLEMENTATION: This is the actual process involved in carrying out the

task that has been designed in order to ensure that the system meet needed desires.

● E-RECRUITMENT : is the process of personnel recruitment using electronic

resources in particular the internet. Companies and recruitment agents have

moved much of their recruitment process online so as to improve the speed by

which candidates can be matched with live vacancies.

● INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT): using of computer and software to

manage information.

● DATABASE: A database is a centralized organized structured and integrated

collection of data made available to all application and users in an organization to

support their operations with little or no redundancy.

● MANAGEMENT: This is the process of controlling individual and group

activities towards group goals. Or it is direction of enterprise through the

planning organizing directing and controlling of human and material resources

towards the achievement of predetermined goals.

● SYSTEM: The term ‘system’ can simply be defined as an orderly grouping

interdependent components links together according to a plan to achieve specific

objectives. Each compound in a system is a part of the total system and has to do

its share of works from the system to achieve the intended goals.

● SOFTWARE: The term software refers to computer program and the manual that

support them. Computer program are machine readable instruction that direct the

circuitry within the hardware part of the CBIS (Computer Based Information

System) to the function in a way that produce useful information from data.

● DATA: Data are facts that are used by program to produce useful information

like programs data are generally stored in machine readable from disk or tape

until the computer needs them.

● PROCEDURE: Procedure are the policies that govern operation of a computer

system. “Procedure are to people what software is to hardware” is a common

analogy that is use to illustrate the roll of procedure in CBIS

Project Information

  • Price

    NGN 3,000
  • Pages

  • Chapters

    1 - 5
  • Program type

    barchelors degree

Additionnal content

Table of content
Cover page

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